Redfish Size Limits By State
Size limits vary by state, so be sure to check the regulations before you go fishing. In general, redfish must be between 18 and 27 inches long to be legal. There are also limits on the number of fish that you can keep, so make sure to check your state’s regulations in this article for more information.
The following is a list of Redfish size restrictions for 14 coastal recreational saltwater states and the surrounding waters. The state fishing limits material is for personal use only and does not apply to commercial or guided fishing.
This article will cover:
- List of redfish bag and size limits
- Harvest limitations
- Oversize and trophy fish allowances
- Release citation size (where permitted)
- Prohibited fishing gear
- Season status
Alabama State Waters
- Daily Bag Limit: 3
- Minimum Length: 16 inches
- Maximum Length: 26 inches
- Trophy / Oversize Fish Allowed: 1 over 26 inches within daily bag
- Harvest Limitations: State waters only
Connecticut State Waters
- Season: Open
- Daily Bag Limit: 1
- Minimum Length: No limit
- Maximum Length: 27 inches
- Trophy / Oversize Fish Allowed: Not Allowed
- Harvest Limitations: State waters only
Delaware State Waters
- Season: Open
- Daily Bag Limit: 5
- Minimum Length: 20 inches
- Maximum Length: 27 inches
- Trophy / Oversize Fish Allowed: Not Allowed
- Harvest Limitations: State waters only
Florida, Atlantic State Waters
- Season: Open
- Daily Bag Limit: 1
- Minimum Length: 18 inches
- Maximum Length: 27 inches
- Trophy / Oversize Fish Allowed: Not Allowed
- Harvest Limitations: Keep whole; Rod & reel, cast nets only;
No gigging, snagging, spearing, multiple hooks
State waters only - Vessel Limit: 4, zero bag for captain
Florida, Gulf Waters
- Season: Open
- Daily Bag Limit: 1
- Minimum Length: 18 inches
- Maximum Length: 27 inches
- Trophy / Oversize Fish Allowed: Not Allowed
- Harvest Limitations: Keep whole; Rod & reel, cast nets only;
No gigging, snagging, spearing, multiple hooks
State waters only - Vessel Limit: 4, zero bag for captain
Florida, South Atlantic Federal Waters
- It is unlawful to harvest, possess, land, purchase, sell or exchange this species at this location
Georgia State Waters
- Season: Open
- Daily Bag Limit: 5
- Minimum Length: 14 inches
- Maximum Length: 23 inches
- Trophy / Oversize Fish Allowed: Not Allowed
- Harvest Limitations: State waters only
Gulf Of Mexico, Federal Waters
- It is unlawful to harvest, possess, land, purchase, sell or exchange this species at this location
Louisiana State Waters
- Season: Open
- Daily Bag Limit: 5
- Minimum Length: 16 inches
- Maximum Length: 27 inches
- Trophy / Oversize Fish Allowed: 1 over 27 inches within daily bag
- Harvest Limitations: State waters only
Maryland State Waters
- Season: Open
- Daily Bag Limit: 1
- Minimum Length: 18 inches
- Maximum Length: 27 inches
- Trophy / Oversize Fish Allowed: Not Allowed
- Harvest Limitations: None
Mississippi State Waters
- Season: Open
- Daily Bag Limit: 3
- Minimum Length: 18 inches
- Maximum Length: 30 inches
- Trophy / Oversize Fish Allowed: 1 over 30 inches within daily bag
- Harvest Limitations: State waters only
New Jersey State Waters
- Season: Open
- Daily Bag Limit: 1
- Minimum Length: 18 inches
- Maximum Length: 27 inches
- Trophy / Oversize Fish Allowed: Not Allowed
- Harvest Limitations: None
New York State Waters
- Season: Open
- Daily Bag Limit: No limit
- Minimum Length: No limit
- Maximum Length: 27 inches
- Trophy / Oversize Fish Allowed: Not Allowed
- Harvest Limitations: None
North Carolina State Waters
- Season: Open
- Daily Bag Limit: 1
- Minimum Length: 18 inches
- Maximum Length: 27 inches
- Trophy / Oversize Fish Allowed: Not Allowed
- Harvest Limitations: No gigging, gaffing or spearing;
State waters only
South Carolina State Waters
- Season: Open
- Daily Bag Limit: 2
- Minimum Length: 15 inches
- Maximum Length: 23 inches
- Trophy / Oversize Fish Allowed: Not Allowed
- Harvest Limitations: Rod & reel and gigging only;
- No gigging in December, January, and February;
State waters only - Vessel Limit: 6
Texas State Waters
- Season: Open
- Daily Bag Limit: 3
- Minimum Length: 20 inches
- Maximum Length: 28 inches
- Trophy / Oversize Fish Allowed: 1 over 28 inches within daily bag
with Red Drum Tag - Harvest Limitations: No spearing; State waters only
- Limit valid Sep. 1, 2022 through Aug. 31, 2023
Virginia State Waters
- Season: Open
- Daily Bag Limit: 3
- Minimum Length: 18 inches
- Maximum Length: 26 inches
- Trophy / Oversize Fish Allowed: Not Allowed
- Release Citation Size: 46 inches
- Harvest Limitations: Snagging Prohibited
Looking For Speckled Trout Size Limits?
As a fan of speckled trout fishing, it’s important to stay up-to-date on the size limits in your state. We’ve compiled this information for you in one place. Be sure to check out this article to find out the size limits for speckled seatrout in your state. And remember, always abide by the law when you’re fishing!
To find out more about the size limits and regulations for redfish in your state, check out this article. And before you head out on your next fishing trip, make sure to brush up on our comprehensive guides for each species of fish so that you can target them with confidence.
Frequently Asked Questions
- What are the redfish limits in Texas? The Texas redfish limit is3 fish each day, and they must be between 20 and 28 inches in size. You can keep one fish over 28 inches with a red drum tag.
- What are the Florida redfish size limits? In Florida, you are allowed to catch 1 redfish each day. The fish must be between 18 and 27 inches in size. You are not allowed to keep any oversized fish.
- What are the redfish limits in Louisiana? The Louisiana redfish limit is 5 per day. The redfish must be between 16 and 27 inches in size. You are allowed to keep 1 oversized fish.
- What are the Mississippi redfish limits? In Mississippi, you are allowed to keep 5 redfish per day. The redfish slot size is 18 and 30 inches long. You are allowed to keep 1 oversized fish.
- What are the Georgia redfish limits? In Georgia, you are allowed to keep 5 redfish per day that are between 14 and 23 inches long. You cannot keep any redfish that are over 23 inches long.
- What are the North Carolina redfish limits? In North Carolina, you are allowed to catch and keep one redfish per day that measure between 18 and 27 inches long. You cannot keep any redfish that are larger than 27 inches.
- What are the Alabama redfish limits? In Alabama, you are allowed to catch 3 redfish per day. The redfish have to measure between 16 and 26 inches long. You can keep 1 redfish that is longer than 26 inches.